We have great deals and promotions available. You can double up your dancing by registering for two courses or join as a couple and SAVE!
- Save $ 30
- Available only when attending any 2 courses in the same term
- Registration can be made via email at admin@havanadance.com.au
- Payment via bank transfer or cash on the first day of the term
- Save $60=> $330 for 3 hours each week for 6 weeks
- Available only when attending any 3 courses in the same term
- Registration can be made via email at admin@havanadance.com.au
- Payment via bank transfer or cash on the first day of the term
- Save $30 for two – Only $115 per person.
- For couples registering together in a partnered dance style
- Registration can be made via email at admin@havanadance.com.au
- Payment via bank transfer or cash on the first day of the term
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